Cannon Hinnant. I am sure you remember. When last summer while the young lad was playing outside on his bike, suddenly got fired at by his neighbour from short distance. Cannon died instantly. Cannon was murdered. Gunshots in the head. By his black neighbour. Who lived next to the family for 8 (!!) years without any previous incident.
Now I tell you this already. This is not a race debate. As far as I am concerned, bad people are sadly to be found with any race. White, black, brown, yellow, red. Green for all I care. What matters is not the colour of your skin, but your character. Your heart. Your realisation in what is good. And what is bad. So no, I am not going to blame the entire black community for something one black scumbag has done. I will not do the same as what BLM does... blaming all whites for what a few did AGES ago. I am not that pathetic.
I have 2 other reasons for writing this.
The first one is how almost the complete Mainstream Media IGNORED this matter. CNN, ABC, ... NONE of them talked about it on tv. On their news. Their shows. CNN for example only mentioned it on Twitter twice in a mere, small article. They did not mention the colour of the murderer's skin tho. However, when this would have been the other way around where a white guy would have killed a black kid so brutally... they would STILL be talking about it now. So Jake Tapper and all the other hypocrites... did Cannon Hinnant matter? Or is it only when the skin is not white? George Floyd, a professional criminal, mattered... right?!
Because that is it, right? It is all about skin. Race. A white boy killed by a thug who is black... oh no. That does NOT fit their agenda. It would NOT HAVE HELPED to get bad, orange man out of the White House. You disgust me. Absolutely disgust me. As a father myself, I cried when I heard the news about Cannon. And you sicko's did and do not even care. Pure evil.
And than I reach my second reason of writing this. And that is that I truly believe that the media is also responsible for Cannon's death and should be sued for it. Why? The (black) murderer was 8 years long their neighbour. Never any incident. Always polite. And you want to tell me he just snapped? Well okay... but what if he snapped because of all the BULLSHIT and RACE HATE the Media like CNN was creating?! All the time demonizing all whites. Constantly. Non-stop. Druggie George Floyd case happened and they LOVED it. All to get Trump out. All for THEIR agenda. And when the police arrived, at the murderer's house... CNN was on the television. Coincidence? No. Not really. Same goes for the 27 white people murdered by BLM and Antifa who were HAILED and PRAISED by the Media. Even encouraged. And so many more examples.
CNN, ABC and all others are responsible for creating hate. And people died. They should be sued. And cancelled. Yes. Cancelled.
- Boromir
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