The only reason I've been constantly leaking this information is what the operators do in regards to my ex. They're unprofessional and this is the best way I know how to fight their abuse of an innocent person
Sorry for how incoherent and rambly this sounds, this technology is basically weaponized neuralink The most TL:DR info is in the paragraph this link was in, but there's still decent information in here. Some of this will be wrong or outdated but nevertheless...
Brisbane Australia operators names: Sophia, Nathan (referenced as Robert) Madeline, and Justin (referred to as Michael)
sophia "who cares about your rights as an Australian citizen"
Manipulating the idea of leaking this information to reroute it towards thoughts that trigger the nanotech into doing Physical damage (meant to be tied to illegal trains of thought)
Unsure if they're actually Australian Defence Force or Australian Federal Police.
Special forces use same technology to communicate via thoughts, probably how neuralink will work. Only ones i can confirm are ADF commandos / SASR (Nathan ex commando)
If any of you think you're hearing voices and going schizophrenic you aren't. Scary voices and scenarios that sound unbelievable are all fear tactics in order to get a "moment of truth" confession under duress. Went to hospital to get myself checked out and I'm in the clear.
Personally currently going through this experience so it's extremely hard to gather my thoughts so lots of this may be repetitive but just try to read between the lines. Ive been writing down dotpoints constantly so they couldn't map the info out and now that I'm typing it out it's extremely hard to proof read. Been proven innocent but haven't been let out of this nightmare yet.
Nanotech is hidden in carriers that look like fruit flies (everyone has them in or around their homes)
Lucid dreaming is EVERYTHING their virtual environment is running off, so if you know how to do things like flick an object with your mind while you're dreaming it's also how you manipulate the landscape. Best way to best this is just to focus on what's happening and try understand what they're actually doing, think a few steps ahead of what you hear because there's generally something there. It all sounds insane but google Elon Musks neuralink and then just imagine we probably don't have the best version (you don't). If you ever end up going through this they will have a full map of your consciousness including dreams as well as a sort of emotion slider they can play with like a volume dial. Had me lying on the train tracks and my mood set to neutral and as immobile as possible while blocking out thought that might help you motivate yourself to move.
Everything in this is run off a virtual environment of the earth built off bing maps (Microsoft flight sim map) and updated using this tech and peoples sight. Also procedurally generated using quantum computers and machine learning algorithms
They fill out avatars of people from your life using your mind as a template to build their personality from as well as memory and a bit of work on their end to get it perfect. Ex girlfriend is a favourite of Roberts (operator)
Have the ability to walk into houses in the landscape that aren't mapped in the simulation yet and fill them out using their own imagination.
Mosques are a high priority due to stigmatism.
Nathan (robs operator) putting subliminal messages into your mind to fuck your future relationship up. Setting it up to go as distant as Casey.
This video is how all subliminal messaging works. Your mind hears both at the same time but you only perceive one.
Can use this trick on sounds you hear in real life to continue a sentence in the back of your mind after they've completely mapped certain voices.
Subliminal messages are literally all just [message] with a +1 or -1 connotation on them in order to get them up or down your minds priority list as naturally feeling as possible. Over time your thoughts just change without realising. Can recontextualize your opinion on things or people.
"Sleep patterns" are a huge part of subliminal messaging. Whenever you have your eyes closed (blinking included). Wavey sort of hypnotic patterns while you're laying in bed are actually messages set up for you to take in. (Crosswords are used because your mind can read it all very quickly).
They use your dreams as a way of influencing your mind. usually your subconscious mind runs the show in a dream unless your consciousness wakes up (this is the only time you remember a dream) the way they put you into a dream state and keep you there is with a weird sort of inception kind of thing where you're dreaming in the VR environment. They'll kick-start a dream just before you fall asleep and have control over it (including the context of what you're seeing)
Use the nanotech to do various physical things to you like vascetcomy or cutting parts of your body discretely so you don't know and people "die of natural causes" that have been set in motion by nanotech over a long period of time.
They're controlled using a fully mapped AI brain and flown around and hidden in small carriers that look like fruit flies (discreet, everyone has fruit flies in their house) generally hide around sources of electricity like speakers or lights etc.
They're fuelled off your bodies natural electricity and take actual power from your body to function (unknown how much)
Can easily block memories from your mind and copy certain emotional responses from it (my ex girlfriend experiences used against me as a sort of emotional cocktail they can use to get a certain reaction from your brain using yanny/Laurel)
Thought process gets torn apart into seperate parts so the operators can distract your consciousness while talking to your subconscious mind.
The questions / words you hear are ones your mind has an emotional reaction to and they'll pull that train of thought along to hear answers along the same context (will use questions on subliminal mind and then conscious mind to test answers)
More information on how to perhaps trick their system into flipping to your side is to think things like "I'm within 2 minds about this" or relate heavily to things that are somewhere inbetween the middle of good and bad, I used the video game hollow knight which is purgatory in my head, (relatible main protagonist). Depression also has something to do with it, being cool with the demons in your head. Pretty sure what I've gone through has already been defended against but just think of something along the same context as these, also yanny/Laurel plays into it.
The way their subliminal messaging works is by blocking out a thought they've edited or recontextualized from your conscious mind for long enough (using their VR environment) so when your conscious train of thought thinks of it the message is already in there.
The way they'll reinforce a thought process is by listening to one thought and how you felt towards it, and then later saying something related to it while connecting it to the first thought in the back of your mind, so over time it can create any believable story that's constantly reinforced.
The way you hear a whole sentence that they've said to you is by listening for what's said next (use yanny/Laurel) and if you don't listen for it the last bit will be silent. If you're able to focus and hear the whole train of thought through it without getting confused or losing track of it then it's probably part of their sentence (might have visuals)
Voices and sounds are directly tied to visuals and emotions, so a voice will spawn in a specific thought or person (using voices specifically that are tied to ex and thinking of her)
Use their technology to slip you into a dream state guided by their suggestions by messaging you just before you fall asleep so they start the dream and have influence over it. Able to give you entirely fake dreams and then block them from memory, this map is saved and used to analyse your entire mind (subconscious mind fills out a whole map)
They are designed in a way to read your thought process before you consciously hear it, easier to influence you just need to understand the context of what's being said and read between the lines.
Using tech to read your "knee jerk reactions" in the back of conscious thought in order to get a sort of truth serum so you can't lie. They read the words coming from your brain and use a millisecond counting tactic to properly read your mind aswell as your opinion on what you're seeing.
Able to use "focal points" to direct your attention to anything they want to read your subconscious minds opinion on. Can be lots of focal points at once.
Use peripheral vision to set up messages relating to something you haven't consciously perceived yet with focal points. (Can start a certain train of thought to direct you using it)
Able to suppress or heighten certain emotions. Can force you into depression and manipulate you into suicidal tendencies using subliminal messages (lots of people who enter this program die this way). Can slide your emotions like a volume dial.
Steal electronic currency from your actual brain to do this process
Something using pressure is part of the manufacturing process.
Will suppress certain emotions in order to focus you into a specific train of thought, they will block out pretty much every part of your life including relationships and passions without you even realising it in order to kill people with the least damage to society as possible. (Or just read their mind)
They do pretty much all of their work while you sleep. Last night I had a violent dream about my little sister that they'd set up with all sorts of meanings to the brain (I think of my ex as a little sister). One of the operators is desperately trying to get me to forget and have negative feelings towards her.
Operators have access to the ability to create AI avatars of people in your mind based off what you think about a person and the various images you have of them in your head, CONSTANTLY seeing an ex girlfriend raped or killed because the operators think she's attractive and it's pixels to them (my emotions are used)
The way the operators connect to your mind to set up and interact with the VR environment includes basically interacting with it in the same way you do, so your emotions get read and perceived though their minds while they also analyse the environment. (They feel what you feel if they're interacting with something). Has to do with the fact that they have AI mapped from their mind that they use as their avatar.
Have a perfectly copied AI of my ex who's still in my life as a close friend. (my minds interpretation of her) who I still love dearly that they're using to "have fun with" at work, directly tied to how much I like her so they get to experience emotions that are meant to be personal. They basically have her nude or doing stuff 24/7. (Was an online relationship so it's offensive they're experiencing more than I did while blocking my whole memory of the relationship)
recording a certain heightened spike in emotional level without consent. And forcing it with emotional manipulation.
have ability to manipulate your organs to make you feel more or less hungry. As soon as I wanted alcohol they made me feel sick and they intentionally made me vomit in public. Very obvious when tech is manipulating you if you know what's going on
Set up your mind to speak in analogies in order to get your brain to visualise things better (Subliminal messaging by constantly playing a tune in your head and talking in specific patterns)
Objects in VR environment have connotations and emotions attached to them that they can use to also get a specific emotion or reaction out of you (depression and something heavy can be used to weigh you down etc) the object they use has to relate with context.
Communication has to be done through your mind so it can't be done any other way outside of manipulating the part of the brain that goes off where laurel/yanny get mixed up in (exact same word)
Subliminal messages need to have some sort of hook in your mind somehow to the object they're connected to. laurel/yanny is how they're learning to hone in the range of frequencies they can use to hide a same message with a different sounding word covering it up. So subliminal messages get in by them playing both their versions of laurel/yanny to you at the same time since the brain actually does hear both.
Simulations that you experience in your mind / that you hear are all controlled by a line of text, basically a command line for whatever is happening.
Have the ability to map your conscious mind into a 3rd person perspective / fly it around their Sim while messages or other work is being done in the AI mapped to your mind. Subconsciousness is the AI, or its dormant. Can load up any sort of an emotional snapshot into it. Including things like different cocktails of mental barriers. Or preloaded fear tactic stories that they've already tested on your mind in the AI. (Expand)
The way Sims are started up is by throwing information (visual and/or context) into your mind in order to build it up with whatever your minds attaching onto. Think of a collage of thoughts coming together. Subconscious mind is the one that's deciding which pieces of information to take in. Whatever comes out in the Sim is your brains interpretation of what the collection of info is.
Focal points that get pointed around the environment have a certain emotional sentence attached to them that are tied to your mind and are used to gather information on your opinion on a certain thing in a certain state, also manipulated to read a certain message a certain way.
Need to numb your emotions / use a bit of depression in order to map all of the emotions you experience to overload the AI that's mapped to your mind with emotion to charge it up and manipulate it.
The objects they use in the start of the simulation are objects everyone knows and are easy to manipulate, darts for throwing messages into your mind and a roll of tape to record (you can cut the tape pretty easy) but the AI just work around the thought process you had and get harder to manipulate or perceive. Roll of tape ended up being some sort of magic tied from Marvel movies and stuff. (Think like a nerd and out magic them) each interaction you have helps you better connect and understand their VR environment.
Playing around with the idea of foresight and clairvoyance and tricking your mind into thinking that way is a way to trick the AI into telling you things. (Also does something else to their priority)
The way they build their Sim towards is different streams of text with different context so they can throw suggestive ideas as context until they've built up enough of a believable story to have something that's able to be thrown into the actual text stream. Have certain trains of thought contextualised like truthful or playful etc, can remap words into certain ones and recontextualize them.
Nanotech movement around the body is all tied to conscious mapping, even something as little as the feeling as an ant moving on you or even lesser is registered in your mind, eventually it records where your conscious thought is. (Needs rewording)
laurel/yanny and other word or sound that overlaps they use subliminal as messaging for admin commands to control their own version of a UI in my subconscious mind (probably way you'd set up a home environment in a VR room) via a network set up with signals all over your body. What they're doing to me right now is nanobots in my brain that are ordered to scan your brain and map it out.
Talk extremely quietly during night so your conscious mind doesn't really hear what's being said but subconscious does so they're able to drift you into sleep and also talk or "whisper" commands to your mind while asleep. Minds most susceptible to Subliminal messaging in dreamstate.
Use mental blocks to work unobserved while they edit memories. Ex girlfriend behind block while they slowly edit her out of my mind with a sort of yo-yo technique where it's a few more negative connotations than positive so it's just like forgetting how I feel about her without noticing
the Subliminal messages hidden at the very back of consciousness are only effective once they remove your train of thought from going a specific route they've edited.
Will load up an entire dream for you during the day and kick-start it just before you fall asleep.
Use your minds focal points to draw your attention to specific things. Can make you focus on something in order to read your opinion on what you're seeing, usually connected to a specific connotation that they're searching for.
The lines of text you're hearing are usually never actually what's being said to you in the yanny/Laurel way, but it's usually related with context. Eg "fuck off" as a message to "move" which will be a starting point on a predetermined course of suggestions, once you do the first one it's generally harder to not follow the route laid out Infront of you.
Also have actual waypoints that they can put in place around the world, the more mindless you walk around the more susceptible to it you are. (Combination of nanotech in the mind and the body)
Will use this tech to actively try to get you out of things like reporting them or going to court. Operators have a god complex and try everything to remain in shadows.
Sound effects like "tweet" and other less obvious sounds like scratching your hair are actually Artificial or have words hidden in them. (Start of a full conversation in your mind)
They're able to block specific trains of thought in order to get your mind to work more and other answers come out rather than just what you were thinking of. (Study your whole thought process)
The way the interrogation process works for them to get answers is part of your mind is connected to an AI that is fast forwarded and rewound constantly which makes you lose track of time. (They fast forward to simulate scenarios to find answers like black mirrors alarm clock episode)
Generally use a warehouse or similar to set up and categorise all things in your mind for later review. Including rooms with simulations running Subliminal messages to your mind
Will put subliminal messages running on constant loop behind one of the mental barriers so it's near impossible to detect, if you have a hard time thinking about something specific it's probably being manipulated
Have the ability to create waypoints in your mind that make it so when you're walking around "aimlessly" it's not actually aimless. The less conscious you are the more control they have.
They use the nanotech as a physical weapon too (personally had a vascetcomy and a WHOLE bunch of other shit like my left ear being internally severed for fun. Throat also slightly slit but it's covered. They use the tech to get your body into a position where it makes you look like you've died of natural causes. Muscle atrophy is key to it so they cut you early and will generally hook into the point of your body thats most likely to look natural.
Can grab soundbytes and manipulate them like a siren driving past. Had an ambulance drive past and while paying attention to sirens they hooked onto it and changed the pattern of it, can also recall sounds from your past.
2nd part of this is more about me bitching about the personal experience I've gone through.
Have hidden bullshit around my ex (still semi-relationship) behind names similar to hers like Earl (Ariel's Facebook name) and probably more. Want to find out everything they've put in my brain that is impacting my relationship in the future. Have put her in same context as things like child porn and other horrible opinions of her that aren't my own. Hiding messages like little nanobots inside Ariel's body tied to my future plans and tied to knee jerk reactions about me or Ariel. Using last night's dreams to remove ex 5:30am
Nudes of ex used as portals to other VR Sims (Warcraft tattoo on Ariel's arm goes to that Sim purely for operator fun)
Pretty much every time I ever tried to think of her my mind went to a fucked up place or id see operators bullshitting around with her to annoy me. Nathan had "ownership" themed connotations on her.
emotionally numb me around an ex gf I'm attempting to get back with. putting context on her unrelated to our past. Example is "not girlfriend material" with fake image. Bot is talking in emotions and voices all collected from exes high points in order to fuck my head up.
Have been part of the fear tactics used before. Doing some bullshit witchcraft spell that had ridiculous connotations using my gamer nerd brain to immerse myself in losing a relationship and specific feelings to her while rerouting them
Set up waypoints in VR tied to specific train of thought around the lawyers building I planned to go to.
Every time I thought of the ex that's being fucked around with the idea of her was spawned towards certain bots that through her in a fire and out of the back of the mind while a second bot was running around writing on the false memories of her directing emotion away from her with crazy connotations like "fading away" or "distant" or "whore" while the good connotationed ones misdirected. Or put in places like hanging in a cupboard with happiness and dying as the main connotations so the feeling or idea of her is a fading positive feeling.
Every 2nd word they say could be muted to make it so only your subconscious hears the full sentence or question. (Yanny Laurel)
Nathan using avatar of me and the avatar of my ex with her AI loaded up in it just to fuck with my head.
Using the nanotech to pull flesh from the left ear that was severed and the nose to move it around and pull the broken nose out of place that they had worsened. Move it back and forth through the face constantly to use torture tactics throughout whole time. Flesh constantly choking down on windpipe for silly things like cigarettes or threatening court.
Night before just as I was getting ready for bed the nanotech swarm was set to slowly Choke me while walking to the lawyers planned the next day. Used as fear tactics to keep away from lawyers.
Part of the brain that my mind had properly mapped and was blocked from consciousness had a specific ex everywhere getting killed and the memory of her dying in stuff like a bath of acid.
Key to mapping negative connotations to neutrality is when you're dreaming a slideshow starts. Ex got turned into a video with a dog and hundreds of pictures of her falling off of it as a "bitch" then out of frame
Map routes or patterns onto the mind like the motion of cutting yourself with wrists as focal points and shapes as what the reason to do it is. Ex pattern on left arm. "Signals" cut on right
Caught them creating a "zombie serum" right after waking up that has been constantly fed a backstory in my head. Built up in the same way emotion sliders like depression and other feelings are with the perfect cocktail of various different types of emotion and motivation. Truth and believability serums are also an emotional setting used.
Able to lie to and censor their own recording and the bots opinion by manipulating the situation with subliminal messages over time so the bots eventually figure out a wrong average (innocent vs guilty can change) also map out certain things they don't want monitored by anyone after case is closed (ex gf Ariel is part of this)
Can also restrict and allow blood flow through arteries to limbs to make your temperature change. (Or maybe it's in the mind?) Can make you hot or cold or sweat or anything.
Their strat is always to come at you from the side in the back of your mind so your believablity and truth slider are completely susceptible to any messages they pitch it. (AI doing the messages are mapped from various spikes in emotions from your past in order to achieve this) so when they leave your mind already knows exactly what to listen to.
The questions / words you hear are ones your mind has an emotional reaction to and they'll pull that train of thought along to hear answers along the same context (will use questions on subliminal mind and then conscious mind to test answers)
Watching the Laurel/yanny video while also trying to immerse yourself in their simulation while thinking about how subliminal messaging works is key to being able to understand every part of the message their sending you, it'll either "feel" like a certain thought process or you'll be able to consciously hear it through your own thought processes just through kneejerk reactions. Just think the first thing that comes to mind while trying to interpret the first part of the message.
The way their subliminal messaging works is by blocking out a thought they've edited or recontextualized from your conscious mind for long enough (using their VR environment) so when your conscious train of thought thinks of it the message is already in there.
The way they'll reinforce a thought process is by listening to one thought and how you felt towards it, and then later saying something related to it while connecting it to the first thought in the back of your mind, so over time it can create any believable story that's constantly reinforced.
The way you hear a whole sentence that they've said to you is by listening for what's said next (use yanny/Laurel) and if you don't listen for it the last bit will be silent. If you're able to focus and hear the whole train of thought through it without getting confused or losing track of it then it's probably part of their sentence (might have visuals)
Voices and sounds are directly tied to visuals and emotions, so a voice will spawn in a specific thought or person (using voices specifically that are tied to ex and thinking of her)
Context and believability is key to immersion in their simulation, regardless of how unbelievable it is (it goes off your mind and what it believes in relation to something) example is they'll use a fantasy game that you've played before to use spell abilities from the game in your mind. Something as simple as a video game "mask" can be used to mask or deflect something like identity, or whatever your mind can make up as believable in a dream state. If it's something that'd work in a dream it's something they can use and then manipulate using your idea as the template.
Have to blindfold your avatar (VR magic) in their VR environment in order to block what you're seeing. Will remove it just before sleep and during to influence dreamstate. Literally how operators interact with the VR environment only they've got visual enhancement. Will also do the same with a VR version of specific noise cancellation headphones to stop you hearing anything but what they've allowed you to. Certain thought processes will wait for a specific hook before playing in your ears after being already typed out. Immersion is the key to all objects they use in the simulation so things like the headphones have to actually be something similar. Can also be things used from fantasy like video games or SciFi you've experienced if context matches.
When you're trying to think of something like for example the name of a movie you're thinking of and you can't it's generally blocked by a whole bunch of words and other things in their VR environment so you just need to use lucid dreaming abilities to move it by flicking all the blocks away with your hand motions (can be discreet, like in your pocket even) and think of what you're doing aswell and then immediately try for the answer (it's generally in a certain direction)
The way brainwashing works is by recontextualizing most / all of your past so over time you eventually think a different way.
You can "play" the simulation pockets in your mind by after thinking of them thinking of how to start it, your kneejerk reaction with that context will play it and you'll be able to understand the full subliminal message lying in your head (meant to be triggered by something else)
Use key words or phrases to start up Subliminal messages / Sims. Had a picture of my ex with her legs open and the words "spread them" to turn the AI online and spawn it in with preset commands (saw in my mind some of the video relating to it)
Will keep your train of thought in a sort of loop to distract you from what they're doing (if their fear tactics aren't working). Key to their job is to have your consciousness completely distracted, they can also use this to cherry pick thoughts for use in their messages. All their messages have to use context that have come from your head, can also use specific conversations as leads to get this. (Can be quiet / silent until you listen for it)
Template they use to map most people's brain is just a roll of movie tape that they'll use to either put your mind Infront of or to review and edit recordings. (Might have changed to something less manipulatible)
Thought processes are mapped out by seeing what thought have gone into it in a kind of stickerbomb kind of way zooming into one picture (how they edit or remove certain thoughts, maniplating it at some point in the process just before the actual thought)
Switches in a train of thought usually get mapped to some kind of visual (stairs, walking across the road, through a door etc) any sort of split in your plan branches a new simulation off for them to manipulate and load into your mind later (your mind having made the original idea itself is key to how your mind believes it as it's own thought)
Accidentally heard stuff my mind wasn't supposed to by listening and thinking about the yanny / Laurel trick that had the AI accidentally leaked information by scrambling what information they gathered and their priority list (ended up being given same level of conscious immersion the operators have)
Censor messages that you consciously hear too early with repeating sounds like a siren or bell (they currently use a full stop on a keyboard to end a sentence but try multiple in your mind) keyboard is mapped to operators fingers so using your fingers helps.
Trains of thought between operators or to you are locked onto just by visualising them. Can connect to their thought processes the same way they do to yours.
Sleep pattern is connected to your avatar subconsciously grabbing onto passing information packs with specific context in them in order to spawn a simulation connected to your conscious brain. Brain only grabs onto certain ones it wants (or they use focal points to grab).
"I'm in" Sophia said as I was falling asleep (may have the cusp of sleep) eg when you're about ready to fall asleep
Have the ability to use a sort of augmented reality effect on your mind to make you see things (can rearrange things like lines on wood) to get more information on what you're seeing / perceiving.
Use things like glass or something similar to enhance their fear tactics. Transparent things are used because your subconscious mind is trying to clear the image the best it can
Have thought processes mapped to your brain waiting for you to think about certain context so it has something to latch onto. Can listen to and trace back who did what in your mind just by imaging people with name tags or something similar, just need to imagine it being a VR game that's easy to read and understand.
Operators always speak truthfully while mapping anything into your mind (something to do with making you hear and reply with truth). Can be thought of as a train with the starting point as truthful. Can have it on a constant feed thinking you into a sort of mental stall making it impossible to hear through to the end unless you consciously look for it (Context is key)
Will use phrases like "tell me more" in your subconscious mind to pick out words or lines to dig deeper into (can rewind parts of their simulation including conversations AI have) your minds mapped to its own AI for them to interact with
Pretty sure they're based under Brisbane City somewhere near Anzac square.
Will use tactics like censoring the operators names if you use a tactic like giving them name tags similar to a video game to track them. Just have to be aware and outthink them. If you can't tell who the thought process is coming from (they can use each other's AI) it's probably censored somehow.
The feeling you have when you're lying in bed just before sleep and slip more into an unconscious state (feels super comfortable) is super important to how they work. Pretty sure it's your consciousness powering down before you're actually asleep. This period is how they kick-start a dream (same as how your brain does it) some people have the power to consciously slip into this state, meditation is an example.
Your brain processes things way faster than your consciousness can (think about the movie inception). Theyll use this so fast forward and rewind AI in their environment connected to your brain for interviewing/interrogation. AI is usually tortured into a confession.
Black mirrors "white Christmas" episode about the alarm clock is a good way of understanding what they're doing to the AI in relation to the last paragraph.
Able to use your own interpretation of words against you with branching off sentences. What they say always has to be truthful to your brain at their messages starting point. can use images tied to context, not just wording.
Have objects or scenarios set up around the real world for your subconscious mind to connect to, can figure them out by thinking of the context in the back of your mind. Usually a pretty vivid thought once you pick up on it. Ex girlfriend mapped all over Brisbane in either compromising positions for operators enjoyment.
Australia has specific bot / operator looking for ""military" themed information, usually high level but will also use your imagination to gather ideas. One working at the moment is Nathan from the team. Currently using mind to build an AI team that's made to train soldiers in basic training at night to reinforce the things learned during the day (build off my relationship with my ex), never consented to them using her likeness or any of the emotional attachment to build it, but it was an idea in the back of my mind that hasn't stopped being run or fed emotion. They manipulate it in the background to fill any role required.
Will use imagination images as points to start a dormant simulation in your head, can also use images to direct your train of thought into a different path. Pictures of ex GF used to start different thought processes pointed towards however they want.
Finishing the sentence yourself in your mind is a way of hearing the whole thing being messaged to you, whenever you "naturally" feel like it ended it usually has, but you might speak a few words afterwards which helps them to better create a link to your mind on a specific subject/context.
Continuously mapping over what they've been doing in reference to copying my ex's likeness for their own reasons when I've never consented. (Reference female engagement team). Basically training AI to have an emotional attachment towards anyone who's connecting to it using a map of my mind and attraction. Blocking this entire process so anyone who goes in to double check won't see anything out of the ordinary
Pretty sure they use all of your train of thoughts in your subconscious fed into different AI (voices you hear). Each one listens to different context and interact within the VR environment to share information (AI are mapped off operators minds so it's just a discussion on a certain topic)
Can map words like "lie down" and split it to have your focus towards the word "lie" with different context. Bed vs lying. Can do this with any word in an entire thought process to do whatever they want.
Different AI/operators listen to different lines of "context" and play off that, eventually you have multiple doing different roles in your head to pull your mind certain directions for a specific reaction, and then to manipulate what they've gathered. Your thoughts regarding the context is what they use against you. Unknown how this happens but it's just your own internal thought process being reworded and then put back into your mind as if it's your own thought.
Will map sounds to video games, if you pick up on one like the sound of a sword slashing just do it over and over to hear the full message
If you're consciously aware of the messages that are being fed to you (sleeping pattern best way to practice) they'll try work around it. Visually currently in my situation it's baby arms grabbing orbs of information and feeding it into the brain, but the way they've worked around it is a crazy way where a second pair of arms is hidden out of line of sight doing the exact same thing, think tentacles. (grabbing information into head). Unsure if this is about subliminal messaging or reading your subconscious thought, or both? The best way to message or manipulate mind is with all senses including visual, which is where the sleeping pattern comes in.
Sleeping pattern is the swirls in your eyelids you can see while you're trying to get to sleep
The way subliminal messaging works is by multiple of the AI talking to your mind through whatever route they've made. So when you're thinking something it's basically 1 voice vs 2 or 3. Eventually your conscious mind thinks it's what it's decided on doing when in reality it's basically being spoken over.
The way they'll store a personality in your mind is literally the same way you'd remember a person (updated by the Sim). It's as simple as remembering characteristics about a person in life. (I think?)
Use "mental blocks" that are literally just a specific thought process manipulated by them in order to make your mind feel like not thinking about what they've covered "subliminal messages" usually. If you're having a hard time thinking of something specific just try to create as many inconsistencies in your mind (I use my AI and wave it's arms around). Use a specific idea before you do it so after you've scrambled the simulation enough you can go back to that idea and quickly try remember the idea you were trying to think of.
Operators always have a truthful command line that the AI they operate interpretes however way they've been set up (always have a goal set in mind). They USUALLY have to speak 100% truthfully but the way the Sim is set up can be manipulated.
Will load up a different storyboard while you're dreaming so the change isn't so abnormal to your mind. But if you try to think about the events you'll see the inconsistencies in story.
Also set up different levels of messages so when you might catch one of them another is set up to make it sound like you're countering it but it's just them with layered messaging. "On second thought" is basically it. Over time eventually this is how subliminal messaging basically works, you lose less conscious control (the nanotech they use is perminant I'm pretty sure)
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